
Friday, November 13, 2020

November 16-20, 2020


We have completed our second week of the second trimester and no matter what program you chose, it has been nice to get into our new routines.  THANK YOU all so much for making this transition such a success.  

We had a wonderful pajama day today and it was great to see the TJ spirit shine bright in both the Champions Academy and on campus.

As you are aware the COVID cases are on the up and we all must do your part to keep our schools open. Our students have done an EXCEPTIONAL job of following the new procedures on campus!  They are true STARS at wearing their masks and respecting the space of others. Friendly reminder please DO NOT send your child to school they are not feeling well. The RCSD Weekly communication can be found here: 

Weekly Reopening Communication

Please refer to the PCOE Reopening Guidelines for further information about procedures and COVID scenarios: COVID-19 Response Scenarios Health Protocols 2020

RCSD now has a COVID dashboard with up to date COVID case information:  RCSD COVID Dashboard  

We hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Acke and the TJ Team

If you have a district Chromebook and charger checked out to your child, please return it to school in your child's backpack as soon as possible. Thank you. 


The Free and Reduced Meal program typically provides assistance to those who qualify, and even though meals are free for all students for this school year, we are asking you to please take a moment and fill out a Free and Reduced Meal application online at The application is due by December 15, 2020. 

The number of students that qualify for the Free and Reduced Meal program impacts many services and programs that RCSD offers families.  

Our students and schools are at risk of losing 23% of the supplemental grant funding that supports those programs due to the lack of applications submitted to date. 

The supplemental grant supports:

  • Mental & Health Services - help fund school counselors and health aides.
  • Class size reduction - help fund smaller class sizes in Transitional Kindergarten and 4-5 grades.
  • Foster youth and homeless services - help fund resources for both foster youth students and students experiencing homelessness.
  • Music & Elementary PE - funds a portion of the teachers’ salaries for these programs. 
  • AVID and IB programs - help to fund school sites that have AVID and IB programs.
  • Technology - help to ensure students and staff have internet connectivity.
  • Intervention Services - help fund staffing for intervention teachers and other intervention support providers.
  • World Language Program - help fund world language teachers at all four of our middle schools.

If you have any questions, please contact your school site or you can visit our Nutrition Services website at for assistance.

 In case you missed our announcement on Facebook, the PTC is hosting a school-wide wellness 5K virtual activity.  This is NOT a fundraiser, but strictly to promote health & wellness.  Follow our Facebook page here for regular updates.  Sign up and participate here by clicking on the 5K info page.  Once you are on the page you will see the video from our President announcing the race, a workout guide, a link to a Spotify run playlist and you can sign up by clicking on the tennis shoes! We will be having custom medals made for all of our participants. So walk, run, ride a bike, skate or any type of exercise with us for the TJ 5K!

If your child participated in Pajama Day today please post a picture of your student in PJ's on our Facebook page and be entered to win the drawing the following week.

You can keep up with the PTC and all of our virtual activities on FacebookInstagram, and on our Virtual Page. Like and Subscribe and stay in the know!

Happy Fall TJ Stars! We hope it is a Happy and Healthy season!

Love, The TJ PTC Board

Trainer Program: Schedule
Sign up sheet: TJ 5K

Please mark your calendars; there will be no school for the week of November 23rd-27th for Fall Break. 

Don't forget Monday is the last day to turn in canned goods and non-perishable items for the Salvation Army. Boxes are in front of the school.

The California Highway Patrol is partnering with KCRA for their Annual Toy Drive. If you would like to donate please bring unwrapped toys and place them in the large red trash barrel in front of the school office. 

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