
Friday, November 6, 2020

November 9-13, 2020


Hello Thomas Jefferson Stars!

THANK YOU so very much for making our first few days of school...again...a HUGE success!  It was SO wonderful to see the faces of our Stars today!  Each student did an exceptional job as we learned about our new safety protocols.  We also had some fun too!

Please remember that we want our schools to remain open! What we know is that the COVID cases in Placer County are on the rise. Please follow the guidelines and make wise decisions while in the community.

If your child is not feeling well please keep them home.

After our run-throughs this past week we have learned a lot! 

 Please see the changes that have been made to the arrival and dismissal procedures:


Please wear a mask if you are walking your child to a gate.

First and Second-grade students and their siblings will be dropped off at the Primary Loop (the loop closest to the new park construction)

ONLY parents of Kindergarten, First and Second Grade students may walk their child to the gate or Kindergarten classroom door.  Please note that the Upper-Grade Loop has limited room for social distancing and students in grades 3-5 should walk to the gates independently.

All walkers/Bike Riders will now be dismissed from the middle gate (by the office). Additionally, if you are planning on meeting your child on campus and then walking to your car please meet your child at the middle gate. Please socially distance and wear masks while on campus, there are social distancing marks are on the ground for you to stand. 

ONLY students who are CAR RIDERS will be picked up at the Upper or Primary Loops. Siblings that are CAR RIDERS will be picked up at the Upper-Grade Loop (closest to WinCo).

If you are not able to turn in to the Upper-grade loop PLEASE loop around the block again.  This will allow for a more fluid traffic flow and to allow the school bus to continue its route.

Please talk with your child about their dismissal plan and meeting location.


If you have a district Chromebook and charger checked out to your child, please return it to school in your child's backpack.

Please continue to screen your child for COVID symptoms each morning and take their temperature before heading out the door.

Thank you in advance for supporting the health and safety of our Thomas Jefferson Community.

Warm regards, 

Kirsten Acke


There will be NO SCHOOL on
 Wednesday, November 11th 
in honor of Veteran's Day. 

Friday, November 13, 2020 - is Pajama Day-Spirit Day.  Wear your best PJ's - Slippers are not allowed to be worn to school. 

Dear Thomas Jefferson Families,

We hope that this week was a smooth transition for your student(s) to on-campus learning or the Champions Academy.  The Thomas Jefferson PTC is still working behind the scenes to support our Teachers & Staff and the Students. We continue to strive for a strong TJ Family Community.   In case you missed our announcement on Facebook, the PTC is hosting a school-wide wellness 5K virtual activity.  This is NOT a fundraiser, but strictly to promote health & wellness.  Follow our Facebook page here for regular updates.  Sign up and participate here by clicking on the 5K info page.  Once you are on the page you will see the video from our President announcing the race, a workout guide, a link to a Spotify run playlist and you can sign up by clicking on the tennis shoes! We will be having custom medals made for all of our participants. So walk, run, ride a bike, skate or any type of exercise with us for the TJ 5K!

We are still hosting monthly virtual spirit days with drawings for prizes. Coming up next week on November 13th is Pajama Day. Share a picture of your student in PJ's on our Facebook page and be entered to win the drawing the following week.

You can keep up with the PTC and all of our virtual activities on FacebookInstagram, and on our Virtual Page. Like and Subscribe and stay in the know!

Happy Fall TJ Stars! We hope it is a Happy and Healthy season!

Love, The TJ PTC Board

Trainer Program: Schedule
Sign up sheet: TJ 5K

Don't forget to bring in your canned goods and non-perishables for the KCRA Kids Can Food Drive helping The Salvation Army of Roseville. Donations can be delivered to the boxes in front of our school office.

District Flyers

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