
Monday, January 15, 2018

Thomas Jefferson Family Blog - Jan 15-18

Principal ponderings...

Happy New Year!  We had a great week back from our Winter Break; our TJ Stars are already back at it; working hard and focusing on academics and social emotional learning.  We had a wonderful welcome back assembly where we celebrated the new year and our January character trait of Integrity.    We also talk about each class committing to ONE WORD for the rest of the school year.

I have been reading lots of blog posts about what people are selecting for their one word for 2018.  Last year I decided to take on the challenge of the #oneword commitment and found myself searching for the word.  For information about the #One WordMovement that started back in 2014 please click and for ideas about how to find your word click here ; or watch a video from Jon Gordan and the power of OneWord cIick here. For the past few weeks I have wrote list after list after list and then in a conversation with my husband on New Years Eve it came to me.  My word was CONNECT. I committed to connect with my family, my friends ( new and old), my school community and myself.  It was a year of growth, loss and joy and I can say that my word was a word that was on my mind on a daily basis.

For 2018, I decided I wanted to join in the one word movement again.  My husband and I were embracing our annual tradition of dinner out on New Year's Eve and we were chatting about our goals, aspirations and our WORDS for the year.    As we were chatting I noticed a theme.  I was using the words MOMENT and CHERISH a lot.  

When I took pause I realized that my word was MOMENT.  I need to be in the moment, to embrace each an every on of you and the families we serve.  I need to embrace the moments.  I commit to embracing the moments with our Stars, you and our community.

I can't wait to see how my one word motivates me to create new experiences this year. While I know I will continue to create new moments with my family and friends, I also know that 2018 will bring new moments as a principal of  Thomas Jefferson.  

Please check in with your child about what their class word is perhaps ask yourself; 
that is my word?

- Kirsten Acke


  Eat More Chicken with your TJ friends at Chick Fil A! Visit your favorite teachers who will be serving you on TUESDAY, JANUARY 16 FROM 5:00-8:00 PM!  We loo forweard to seeing you all there!


Principals, teachers and parents representing every elementary and middle school in the Roseville City School District will compete in our second annual Comfort Food Cook-Off. All proceeds benefit music education!

Come out and try the delicious creations from each school and vote for your favorite!

For further  information about this fun evening please click HERE!

Middle School Showcases

Fifth Grade Parents Check this out!
Our local middle schools are hosting their annual showcases.  Please see the links below for additional information.


In the red folders came home the invitations for the upcoming Annual TJ Daughter Dance. Also in the envelope was the ticket order form. Ticket sales are first come first serve, so turn in your ticket requests ASAP. We will not be selling tickets at the door as this event usually sells out. We need your help to make this special night a success! Please sign up here to help: RCSD Jefferson


As a reminder, enrollment for all RCSD schools including Thomas Jefferson opened for the 2018-19 school year on January 11, 2018. As we continue to grow as a school site please reach out to neighbors about our online registration system. Registration will be online again this year. Please watch our website for updates.

UP Coming Events:
Jan. 16
Chik-A-Filet Night
5-8:00 pm
Jan. 26
Roseville Foundation Comfort Food Cook Off
6:00 pm
Jan. 31
Sami-Circuit Family Night
6:30-8:00 pm
Feb. 3
Daughter Dance
5-8:00 pm

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