
Friday, December 15, 2017

Thomas Jefferson Family BLOG - December 15, 2017

Happy Friday Thomas Jefferson families! I hope you are having a wonderful week! We are looking forward to our final week of 2017 with our students and staff and looking forward to 2018! As we close out December together, we will be celebrating the TJ spirit and the spirit of the season with our Winter Caroling Night, Awards Assemblies, Spirit Days, and our Holiday Read Around. Learning, Leading and FUN for all! Please remember that 


  KINDER RELEASE 1:45                 GRADES 1-5 RELEASE 1:49

A few things to note for the new year: first, enrollment for all RCSD schools including Thomas Jefferson will open for the 2018-19 school year on January 11, 2018. Our school is really growing, so be sure to share with any families new to your neighborhood and parents for TK and Kindergarten aged children. Registration will be online again this year. Please watch the RCSD website for updates.

Warm regards,
Kirsten Acke


Tuesday, December 19, 2016

Doors Open at 5:45 pm
5:30 pm 4th and 5th Grade Ensemble Winter Performance - MPR
6:00 PM – School Wide Caroling Event
Where do I go to see the concert? 
We are asking families to bring their blankets and beach chairs to the assigned locations listed below.  (This is our attempt to manage crowd control.  All classes will sing in each location.) 
 Please see below for your assigned concert area.
Last names A-C - Upper Playground area near front of school
Last names D-M         - Facing the amphitheater behind the MPR
Last names N-Z  - Facing room 21 on the lower grade playground

ALL students will preform at EVERY stage. 


Wednesday-Dec. 20- Warm Wednesday-Wear Thermals or Flannel
Thursday-Dec. 21 - Wear a Tacky Holiday Sweater
Friday-Dec. 22 - Pajama Day!


Our TJ Stars have been working hard demonstrating how responsible they are and we will be celebrating with a SCHOOL SIDE Hot Chocolate Party.  If you are able to volunteer your time to help prepare and serve the hot chocolate on December 22 from 10:00-11:00am or are able to donate supplies please sign up HERE.

GATE (Gifted and Talented) Testing

The 2018-2019 school year GATE identification test will be administered at the District Office for students currently in 2nd – 7th grade.  The students will take the Otis-Lennon School Ability Test, OLSAT, that tests abstract thinking and reasoning ability.  Students must attend one of the testing dates on the OLSAT Parent Permission Form in order to complete the testing by the district.  The Parent Permission Forms will be made available on November 13, 2017 on our district website @ under the “Parent” tab.  All forms must be returned to the District Office by January 5, 2018 if you would like your student tested. There are no exceptions as materials are ordered based on the number of returned forms.  Make sure you check the district website under the “Parents” tab for more information regarding GATE services and testing.

Student Leadership Corner

Hello TJ Families!
The Student Leadership Team is going to be collecting donations for the homeless community in our area to then make Hospitality Bags. We will be collecting the following items:
  • Adult Socks
  • Toothbrushes
  • Toothpaste (travel size)
  • Shampoo (travel size)
  • Soap (bar or liquid/travel size)
  • Shaving cream (travel size)
  • Lotion (travel size)
  • Washcloths 
Any donations can be brought to the office, Ms. Currie's Room, or Mrs. Scudder's room until Tuesday, December 19th. Last year, our Student Leadership Team was able to stuff over 200 bags! We are so excited to give back to our community as TJ Leaders. Happy Holidays!  


December 19
4th/5th Grade Ensemble Performance-5:30 pm

5:30 pm
December 19
Winter Caroling Night 6
5:45 - Doors Open
6:00 Performance
December 21
9:00 – Grades 3-5
10:00 – TK-2nd Grade
December 22
Minimum Day
TK 12:05 Dismissal
K – 1:45 Dismissal
1-5 – 1:49 Dismissal

December 25 – Jan 8
Winter Break

Jan. 9, 2018
School Resumes

Jan. 11
PTC Meeting
6;30 pm
Jan. 15
No School – MLK Jr. Day

Jan. 16
Chik-A-Filet Night
5-8:00 pm
Jan. 26
Roseville Foundation Comfort Food Cook Off
6:00 pm
Jan. 31
Sami-Circuit Family Night
6:30-8:00 pm
Feb. 3
Daughter Dance
5-8:00 pm

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