
Friday, August 25, 2017

August 28 - September 1, 2017

Rising Star News

Back to School Night was an amazing success.  Thank you to the families that were able to make this special evening.  If you were not able to attend please contact your child's teacher for information about this years instructional program and educational opportunities that will be offered.

Mrs. Acke's Back to School Night Message

Arrival and Dismissal Safety

     WOW!  What a smooth transition we made as we embraced our new arrival procedures.  Please remember that when dropping off students and picking up students there are a few guidelines we all must follow:

  1. When in the loops, do not park in either loop, the intent of the loop is to create a flow of traffic as we load and unload students.  If you need to come to the office or meet with a teacher please park in a parking spot.
  2. Please do not drive around stopped cars.  Often a staff member or Mrs. Acke has asked a car to stop for a reason. There are often children crossing and we do not want anyone in a blind spot.
  3. Use the cross walks.  Please use the cross walk by the Kindergarten playground to cross the street if you are parked across the street.  This models the behaviors we expect from our students.
  4. Please DRIVE SAFELY, if you are in a rush please keep in mind that there are children arriving to school and a few minutes could save a child's life.  


Volunteer Policy and Information

     Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Thomas Jefferson Elementary School.  Please note that every volunteer must be fingerprinted and have an updated TB test on file with the school district.  For further information click here to access the Roseville City School District's Volunteer Information webpage.

Love and Logic for Parents

Roseville City School District is offering Love and Logic for Parents this fall.  This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about a tool box of parenting techniques!  Click here for further information about this opportunity to learn and lead together.

Upcoming Events

Monday, August 28, 2017
PLC Monday- Minimum Day Release
Monday, September 4, 2017
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Monday, September 11, 2017
PLC Monday Minimum Day Release
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Sami Circuit Assemmbly
Friday, September 15, 2017
NO SCHOOL – Teacher Staff Development

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