
Friday, March 20, 2020

March 20, 2020

Dear Thomas Jefferson Families, 

I hope this email finds you well during this uncertain time.  Our entire Thomas Jefferson team misses you and your children, and we are all adapting to this new way of engaging with each other.  Our staff has been working hard to connect with your children and we are learning how to transition from “classroom-based instruction” to a “distance learning model”.  We are doing this just in case schools are closed for an extended period of time. I wanted to take a moment to share some information with you about the services and resources that are available to you and your families.  

Mental Health and Wellness
In this time of uncertainty and change, we continue to be mindful of all our students, their families, and our staff. Please remember that we have added as a unique service that will allow everyone a way to reach out for mental health and wellness support. CareSolace is a care navigation and coordination system that makes it simple and easy for anyone in the RCSD community to get the right help in seconds. Please use this link to access this service quickly.

Food and Nutrition Resources
We understand that ongoing nutrition and food resources may be a need for our families. Currently, RCSD has four school sites serving meals. Those sites are Woodbridge Elementary, Cirby Elementary, Eich Middle School, and Buljan Middle School. All four sites will serve meals from 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM. Students can pick up a breakfast and lunch meal combination at the same time. All meals will be served in grab-and-go bags for students to take home. Due to social distancing, we will not be providing areas for students to congregate and eat on the school sites. 

Additionally, Placer Food Bank’s CalFresh team has been given authorization from Placer County Human Services to perform CalFresh application assistance over the phone. CalFresh is a contracted Community-Based Organization working with Roseville City School District. Should you or someone else in need want to see if you may be eligible for the CalFresh Program, please contact Placer Food Bank at 916-783-0481 ext. 111 or by email at

Learning Devices
According to Governor Newsom, we may be facing extended school closures beyond April 14, 2020.  In anticipation of the extended closing of schools and to support online continuous learning for all our students, we are developing a Chromebook lending program. More information will be shared early next week about this opportunity for students who do not have access to a device. 

If you are interested in purchasing a Chromebook for your child, please look here for our Purchasing Program through RCSD. Given the limited supply of Chromebooks in the nation due to this crisis, please order soon.

Ongoing Communication from RCSD
Weekly communication will be sent from RCSD to update our community on educational opportunities, resource support, and any new guidance. Please be sure to check your email regularly for our most up-to-date information. You may also refer to our website at for current information.

As we all learn to embrace our new routines and way of life at this time, please do not feel obligated to have your children working on school-related tasks all the time. These resources that have been provided are optional, please allow your “Star Student” to read, play, explore their interests, create art, play board games, communicate with friends, and remain healthy.  Please check out our Facebook page for ways to connect. I greatly appreciate your patience and hope you and your family stay safe and healthy. 

This is time to RISE together.

It is a great day to be a TJ Star!

Warm regards, 

Kirsten Acke
Thomas Jefferson Elementary


We miss you TJ Stars!

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