Dear Thomas Jefferson Families,
It is hard to believe that we are entering the last week of April with one month of school left. Our Stars are working hard and showing academic gains! Thank you for your partnership! We are all RISING together! Please see the information below from our PTC and safety information.
It is another great week to be a TJ Star!
-Kirsten Acke and the TJ Team
The Thomas Jefferson PTC needs your help. Our goal is to show our TJ staff how much we appreciate all that they do for our children on a daily basis, especially during this hectic year. We survived the 2020-21 School Year and we are celebrating it! There will be a Tropical "Survivor" themed week and we need your help to make it great. Please sign up and bring all the items to the office by 10:00 am Monday, May 3rd.
Monday 5/3– Write a Thank-you Note – Words of gratitude mean so much to our staff.
Tuesday 5/4 –Bring in a favorite Treat or gift card for a treat! Store-bought treats only (per Covid restrictions) our staff loves our “sweet students”.
Wednesday 5/5 – Bring a Flower to your favorite TJ Staff!
Thursday 5/6 – Bring a Book to help your classroom library grow!
5/7 –Super TROPICAL School Spirit day! Wear something tropical or bright colors and bring in a school supply or cleaning product to restock our staff cupboards! Click on the link below for the Sign-up Genius
Staff Appreciation Week Sign-up Genius
Thank you for making the week special! - TJ PTC
Please report the following scenarios on the RCSD Student Online Absence Reporting Form, keep your child home, and await a call from the RCSD COVID-19 Tracing Team.
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