
Friday, October 2, 2020

October 5-9, 2020


Happy Friday TJ Stars!

I was reminded by the power of kindness this past week as I witnessed an everyday person become a hero with a simple act.  I was at the grocery store the other day and a family was at the cash register and the cashier gave the total but the parent did not have enough money to pay for the purchase.  The items on the counter were a jar of peanut butter, a loaf of bread, a gallon of milk, and some fruit.  The parent asked the cashier to remove the fruit and there was a small voice that said, "But, I love apples." The gentleman that was in front of me stepped in with his invisible cape and said to the cashier, "Please add these items to my purchase."  The parent looked at the man in amazement and said, "No, that is not necessary."  And the kind man replied, "I insist with the condition that you pay it forward one day."  He kindly paid for the groceries and also gave the family a gift card and told the child to go get some more apples.  I could see the smile under her mask as her eyes sparkled with joy.  At this moment I knew I witnessed a superhero at work and his superpower was kindness.  Please take a moment to participate in our TJ/PTC kindness flip grid below to share an act of kindness that you have done.

Mrs. Acke's Video

It is a great day to be kind!

Thank you to our parents who are interested in being a part of our School Site Council this year.  We have three open positions and three parents who are interested.  We still have to hold an election.  Please open the form below and vote for three candidates.  Thank you.

Hello TJ Stars!

I am excited to announce that our online library system is now available for you to hold and check out books!  

This new online access to our library catalog allows you to view and select any book the Thomas Jefferson Library has available.


To access our online library click here: Destiny Discover

If you would like to learn how to navigate the virtual library, please click here: Tutorial

Destiny login information:

Username: Student’s six digit student ID number 

Password: Birthdate in this format: mm/dd/yy

Some important information about our online catalog:


1.   You can select up to 2 books to place on hold at a time.  The system will not allow you to hold more than 2. 

2.   You cannot remove a hold once it is placed so please make your selections carefully!

3.   Once your book is placed on hold, Mrs. Kirst will pull your selections and they will be ready for you at our next material 

     deployment day or for pickup in front of the school office at your convenience.  You will receive an email when they are ready!

4.  You may only have 2 books checked out at one time so it is important to return any books you have out before you can get new ones.

5.   During this time we are allowing books to be checked out for 3 weeks.  If your student would like it longer, they can renew it.

6.   When you are done with your books, please return them to the Return library cart in front of the school between 8am-4pm.


If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Kirst at  

We would like to thank you for your patience while we are transitioning to this new online process for our library, 

and we hope it offers your student a fun resource to explore new books from our library!

A friendly reminder that we have 2 book carts in front of the school office. One is a returning book cart and the other is for books that have been checked out and available for families to pick up once Mrs. Kirst emails families. These will have student names on them. 

If you did not pick up your child's materials you may still pick them up next week in the office from 7:30 AM-4:00 PM. 

Dear TJ Families,
Thank you for participating in the Dot contest. You guys did an amazing job! We hope you had lots of fun doing it and enjoyed seeing everyone's art. The winner of this contest was Austin F! Congratulations to Austin and his family. We hope you enjoy your gift. 

Check out the Raffle Video Here!

We are excited to announce our second virtual activity of the year! Many of you may not know but today is World Smile Day! This holiday is celebrated on the first Friday in October each year. It was created by Harvey Ball who is also the creator of the Smiley Face. He thought that we, all of us, should devote one day each year to making people smile with acts of kindness. 
  •  This activity will be hosted on Flipgrid from October 2 - October 9. Don't forget to use your school chromebook to access the activity. 
  • Visit our virtual page to stay up to date on upcoming events and to check out our TJ Staff spotlight. Click here to view  

Amazon Smile will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to Thomas Jefferson PTC! It's easy to get started.

*Sign in and confirm Thomas Jefferson PTC as your charity.
*Continue shopping-donations are automatic!
*Bookmark so you can support TJ PTC every time you shop. 

Thank you, 
Thomas Jefferson PTC

Friday, October 16, 2020, is DISNEY DAY!
Wear your favorite ears or Disney shirt to class.

Scenario A

Due to the nature of Distance Learning, many scenarios in which we would previously have offered Independent Study (IS) to our students are now unnecessary. If students will continue to have access to work assigned by teachers and the ability to connect with their teacher on a daily basis, either by internet, phone or email, an IS would not be necessary if the student were to leave town. Teachers would continue with our current distance learning attendance tracking practice by not marking a student absent, who shows evidence of work and/or personal engagement. No additional work would need to be done by teachers.

Scenario B

In the very unusual scenario, that a student would be completely unable to do any work or ever make a connection to their teacher, we could offer the IS contract as we have in years past. The student would have to follow the same process of filling out the contract 2 weeks in advance, getting approval from the principal, completing all the work assigned by the teacher, and turn the work in upon return. If the work was not completed and turned in upon return, the student would be marked unexcused absent and the contract would be void, as in the past. 

*Both scenarios would only be considered when a student intends to be out of town or unavailable for more than 5 and less than 15 school days.

The Placer County Office of Education and Placer County Public Health released their COVID-19 Response Scenarios and Health Protocols For Students and Families handbook on Sept. 15th.  It details protocols related to specific COVID-19 scenarios in our schools.  The handbook is attached for your review.  

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