
Friday, October 23, 2020

October 26-30, 2020


Good Day, Thomas Jefferson Stars!!!

Please see the important information below about our school hours and information about RCSD Re-opening protocols. 

Thomas Jefferson's School Hours 2020-2021

First - Fifth Grade

Monday through Friday
 8:30 am -1:30 pm.


8:30 am - 11:30 am


10:30 - 1:30 pm  

***Kindergarten Early/Late Placements will be emailed to families on 10/22/20. Please note that teacher assignments will be messaged to families the week of October 26, 2020.

Please review the two resources below prior to students returning on November 4, 2020.

Masks are required on campus - Age Face Covering Requirements 

Under 2 year old


2 years old - 

2nd grade Expected ***

3 grade-8th Grade


All students are required to wear a face-covering to school. Young children between two years old and second grade are expected to wear a mask while at school if they can be worn properly. A face shield is an acceptable alternative for children in preschool - 2nd grade who cannot wear masks properly.  A friendly reminder that masks are a huge part of returning to in-person learning.  Please take time over the next couple of weeks to have your child practice wearing their masks for periods of time.

Site-specific information about arrival, dismissal, and safety protocol will be shared with families the week of October 26, 2020, and November 2, 2020.

The In-Person Instruction at Thomas Jefferson and Champions Academy will begin on November 4, 2020. 

We are very excited to welcome our Stars back to campus!

Please feel free to contact our office or email Mrs. Acke if you have any questions.

-Mrs. Acke and the TJ Team 

 We are requesting that every student returning to campus bring a water bottle to campus.  Our water fountains will be turned off and not accessible to students to drink from.  The rationale is that we do not want students to drink from the fountains due to the possibility of cross-contamination. Please clearly label the water bottle with your child's name.  If you are not able to send your child with a water bottle please let Mrs. Acke know, there will be drinking cups available if your Star forgets their water bottle.  Thank you in advance for your attention to this! 

Below are the links for the 2020-2021 Classroom Supply Donation Lists. These are suggested lists and any donations are welcomed.Kinder Supply List        1st Grade         2nd Grade      3rd Grade

The Scholastic Book Fair is ending on October 30th! All purchases benefit our school and connect kids with new books, favorite characters, complete series, and more.

You’ll love the NEW option to shop for Book Fair exclusives directly from the interactive booklist and enjoy these special online shopping features:

·  Over 6,000 items, including new releases, best sellers, and value packs

·  All orders ship direct to home

·  FREE shipping on book-only orders over $25*

·  All purchases support our school and earn 25% in rewards


Please check out the book preview video and visit our Book Fair Homepage. 

Click “Shop Now” to get started:


Online Book Fair Homepage or Fair Finder 

Scholastic Popular Books Video


There will be no school on Monday, November 2nd, and Tuesday, November 3rd due to Staff Development. Our 2nd Trimester will begin on Wednesday, November 4th in BOTH in-person learnings and in the Champions Academy. 

Re-Opening Donations

As we prepare to reopen many families have asked what they can do to support our transition back to school.

It would be wonderful if families could donate hand-sanitizer and disinfectant wipes to the school.  RCSD and the State of California have provided supplies but it is always nice to have extra supplies in our classrooms.

The disinfectant wipes have to be bleach/chlorine free, and the sanitizer has to be at least 70% alcohol.  Individual bottles of hand-sanitizer would be fantastic!   Here are some pictures below, but always double-check the labels. 

Donation boxes will be in front of the school
Monday-Friday from 7:30-4:00.  

A huge thank you to all of our families that have brought in canned goods and non-perishable items for the KCRA and Salvation Army of Roseville Canned Food Drive. There are boxes in front of the office for your donated items. We will collect items until November 13th. 

District Flyers

TJ Couch to 5K starting on November 1st! Look for more information from the PTC to follow!

Here are some Independent Study reminders if your family will be going out of town and your student will be missing school.

Scenario A

Due to the nature of Distance Learning, many scenarios in which we would previously have offered Independent Study (IS) to our students are now unnecessary. If students will continue to have access to work assigned by teachers and the ability to connect with their teacher on a daily basis, either by internet, phone or email, an IS would not be necessary if the student were to leave town. Teachers would continue with our current distance learning attendance tracking practice by not marking a student absent, who shows evidence of work and/or personal engagement. No additional work would need to be done by teachers.

Scenario B
In the very unusual scenario, that a student would be completely unable to do any work or even make a connection to their teacher, we could offer the IS contract as we have in years past. The student would have to follow the same process of filling out the contract 2 weeks in advance, getting approval from the principal, completing all the work assigned by the teacher, and turn the work in upon return. If the work was not completed and turned in upon return, the student would be marked unexcused absent and the contract would be void, as in the past. 
*Both scenarios would only be considered when a student intends to be out of town or unavailable for more than 5 and less than 15 school days.

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