
Friday, October 30, 2020

November 2-6, 2020

Hello TJ Families, 

Fall is in the air and it is hard to believe that October is almost over.  Thank you all very much for your patience and grace as we prepare for our TJ Stars to return to campus.  I have shared that the first day of school is one of my favorite days! I love the newly sharpened pencils, my new shoes, and the excitement that comes with seeing our students filled with joy as they enter a new year of learning. Next Wednesday is extra special because we are welcoming our Stars into their new learning platforms for the second half of the school year.  While some may be returning to campus and others are in the Champions Academy, it will be new and exciting.  While things may be different in how we return to school next week, we are all in this together and we will continue to RISE as a community.

Please continue to check your inbox for more information early next week about our reopening on Wednesday.

Warm regards, 
Mrs. Acke

Please see the videos below that will help inform you of some of our new expectations as we return to school. If you are using our phone please click on the links. 

                     Thomas Jefferson's School Hours 2020-2021

First - Fifth Grade

Monday through Friday
 8:30 am -1:30 pm.


8:30 am - 11:30 am


10:30 am-1:30 pm

Please review the two resources below prior to students returning on November 4, 2020.

Masks are required on campus - Age Face Covering Requirements 

Under 2 year old


2 years old - 

2nd grade Expected ***

3 grade-8th Grade


Online Absence Reporting

Parents are now able to report their child's absence on the rcsdk8 website. 

 We are requesting that every student returning to campus bring a water bottle to campus.  Our water fountains will be turned off and not accessible to students to drink from.  The rationale is that we do not want students to drink from the fountains due to the possibility of cross-contamination. Please clearly label the water bottle with your child's name.  If you are not able to send your child with a water bottle please let Mrs. Acke know, there will be drinking cups available if your Star forgets their water bottle.  Thank you in advance for your attention to this! 

Today is the last day to order from our Online Scholastic Book Fair!

Below are the links for the 2020-2021 Classroom Supply Donation Lists. These are suggested lists and any donations are welcomed.         
 Kinder Supply List        1st Grade         2nd Grade      3rd Grade              4th & 5th Grade

There will be no school on Monday, November 2nd, and Tuesday, November 3rd due to Staff Development. Our 2nd Trimester will begin on Wednesday, November 4th in BOTH in-person learnings and in the Champions Academy. 

In honor of Veteran's Day school will not be in session Wednesday November 11th. We want to thank all our families that have and are currently serving in our military. We thank you for your service. 

Re-Opening Donations

As we prepare to reopen many families have asked what they can do to support our transition back to school.

It would be wonderful if families could donate hand-sanitizer and disinfectant wipes to the school.  RCSD and the State of California have provided supplies but it is always nice to have extra supplies in our classrooms.

The disinfectant wipes have to be bleach/chlorine free, and the sanitizer has to be at least 70% alcohol.  Individual bottles of hand-sanitizer would be fantastic!   Here are some pictures below, but always double-check the labels. 

Donation boxes will be in front of the school
Monday-Friday from 7:30-4:00.  

A huge thank you to all of our families that have brought in canned goods and non-perishable items for the KCRA and Salvation Army of Roseville Canned Food Drive. There are boxes in front of the office for your donated items. We will collect items until November 13th. 

Get your running shoes ready! Introducing the TJ 5K Run! The 6 week program starts 11/1 and cumulates in your 5k on 12/13. Every participant will receive a TJ 5k medal to be delivered after winter break. Check out this message from our PTC President, Leslie Ashby for more information. Also, be sure to check the PTC Virtual Page for updates.

                                                         5K Schedule

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