
Friday, August 24, 2018

Week of August 27, 2018

It is hard to believe that we are two full weeks into the school year.  There are some pretty amazing things happening in our classrooms.  I had my first "No Office Day" of the year and spent the day in classrooms and out and about on campus.  It was amazing to see our Stars in action.  Our Kinders are already focusing on letter sounds and writing, our 1st grades are working hard on the addition of related addition facts, 2nd grade is rocking and rolling with the Zones of regulation, 3rd grade is mastering the concept of multiplication, 4th grade completed their first math performance task and 5th grade have written letters to be about ideas for guest speakers!  TJ is a great place to be!

Our TJ Student Store will be opening NEXT week!  Our Stars have been earning Star Bucks for RISING in our classrooms.  If you are interested in donating items for the student store please contact Mrs. Acke or the front office. 

School Saftey is a priority at Thomas Jefferson.  We will be conducting our first fire drill next week.  We also need to be safe in our parking lots.  Please see our TOP FIVE PARKING LOT TIPS below:

  1. Be alert for students crossing at Central Park Drive before and after school. 
  2. In the car lines, please do not exit your car-- and do keep moving forward. If you need to get out for any reason, please park in a space and use one of our crosswalks to enter campus. This helps keep the line moving. 
  3. Drop off is allowed at the curb only. The other lane is our flow by lane for exiting cars.
  4.  Stay in the loop traffic, do not create two lanes of traffic because it creates a bottleneck at the exits.
  5. As students and families enter and exit campus, please use sidewalks and crosswalks. PLEASE DO NOT CROSS THE BUS LANE AND CROSS THE STREET.
Thank you so much for your cooperation and patience! Our number one priority is student safety. Please let our office know if you have a question or concern about traffic. I'd love to hear from you!

Learning and leading together,
Kirsten Acke

Mrs. Yeager's Stars playing a vocabulary game

Starting this year, every RCSD student kindergarten through 8th grade will receive five lessons every year regarding Digital Citizenship.  It is important for our students to learn how to be safe and responsible with online tools.

There are also now clear expectations of what every student should learn in regards to Digital Literacy.  Digital Literacy refers to what students should be learning when it comes to creating and communicating with technology.  

You can learn more about the Digital Citizenship lessons and Digital Literacy expectations by exploring RCSD’s Digital Literacy site.

Miss Erolta's Class Singing

TJ Parents! We need you!! We have 12 classes who are still in need of an Art Docent Volunteer for this school year! This is such a fun way to be involved in the classroom and help our stars! No art experience necessary! We will train you and give you everything you need! Simply fill out the Art Docent form sent home in the red folders, or email to get signed up today!

"No David" Art 

Independent Study Program

Students who are going to be out of school for five or more days may be eligible for independent study.  Independent Study Contract’s length is not to exceed fifteen (15) school days. There is a specific set of district criteria for the independent study.  This program requires a contract signed by the parent, student, teacher and administrator. The contract specifies the amount of work to be completed, the amount of time to be spent each day, when the work will be turned in to the teacher and how the work will be evaluated.  An independent study contract must be requested at least 10 school days prior to a planned absence so that teachers can prepare materials for the student. Independent Study forms are available in the school office.
Please be mindful when taking your child out of school. Students miss the first instruction of concepts and content and may fall behind. We realize that often it cannot be avoided, yet we do request that contracts be kept to a minimum. WE MISS OUR STARS WHEN THEY ARE NOT HERE!

The 5th grade will be starting their Cookie Dough Fundraiser on August 27th to help earn money for their Alliance Redwood Field Trip. Fundraising will take place until Sept. 7th.

Don't forget Spirit Fridays!
Wear your red, white and blue and celebrate being a Thomas Jefferson Rising Star!
Class Spirit Competitions begin next week!  


Calling all Father Figures, Grandfathers, Uncles and all around good guys!  Our TJ Stars are looking for a few good men to walk our hallways, engage with kids and have a great day at TJ!  If you are interested we are hosting our Watch DOGs information night on Monday, September 10, 2018 at 6:00  pm in out very own TJ Multi-purpose room. Please bring your Star and share in an evening of learning and leading together.

What's For Dinner?

Come and support our dine and donate at
Tuesday, September 4th, 4PM-8PM

Look for the email going out today to print the flyer.

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