
Wednesday, August 16, 2017

First Day of School!

Hello Thomas Jefferson Families,
      I can hardly believe that tomorrow is the first day of school!  Our staff and teachers have been eagerly awaiting your return and are so excited to welcome you tomorrow!  It was wonderful to see so many families here this afternoon and the positive energy could be felt in the air!  

Friendly reminders:

  • The gates open at 8:35 am - parents will be permitted during arrival on campus Thursday and Friday.
  • School begins at 8:45 am
Mrs. Acke's Virtual Read Aloud

Eclipse Instruction

On August 21, 2017 the moon will pass between the earth and the sun for the first coast-to-coast total solar eclipse since 1918. Millions of Americans in 12 states will be able to watch this solar spectacle that will turn day into night for a couple of minutes. Our students will be in school during this event and our educators will take full advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime happening to make it a tremendous learning experience for our students.

NASA approved safety glasses have been ordered and all teachers will be trained on methods of safe viewing of an eclipse, complete with warnings regarding attempts to watch this event without protecting one’s eyes. We look forward to this extraordinary event and making it a positive learning experience for everyone!

Please make sure to tell your child not to look directly at the sun during this event, or attempt to observe the eclipse without adult supervision and guidance. They should closely follow teacher instructions during the eclipse, especially those involving eye and eyewear safety. Certified Safety Eyewear has been purchased for your child by the school site.
If you have questions about the activities that will be conducted at your child’s school, or wish to have your student refrain from participating in these activities, please contact your child's teacher or the school office and let them know.


Beginning on Monday, August 21, 2017 only students will be permitted to enter the campus at the first bell, this mean no adults past entry gates. This change in past practice is to ensure that we have a clear understanding of who is on campus.  Adults who are volunteering on campus MUST come to the office and sign in after the second bell has rung.  While we understand that this may be inconvenient it will allow the office to complete their morning business and allow morning supervision and arrival of students to be supervised by school staff.  We appreciate your understanding in the implementation of this new practice.  Please know that is decision has been made with the safety of all students in mind.

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures:

The bell rings to begin our day promptly at 8:35AM.  Students should arrive no earlier than 8:35 AM and no later than 8:40 AM. Please do not bring children before 8:25, as there is no adult supervision available before this time.  Dismissal will start at 1:45PM on  for Kindergarten and 1:49 grades 1-5 on Monday and 3:02 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Please designate a consistent pick up area for your child(ren). This assists in the flow of traffic and helps us to best monitor students during pick up times. The three places that students can wait to be picked up are: in front of the Multi-Purpose room, near the flag-pole and on the sidewalk near the kindergarten classrooms. If your child has not been picked up by the end of the teacher supervision time (3:10), they will be escorted to the office and you will need to come into the office to sign them out.

Drop off and Pick up in the Northern Circular Driveway on Central Park Drive
If you intend to use this designated loading zone, please enter the drive-way at the designated entry point, drive up to the designated student drop off/pick up point, unload students and continue to the exit. Please encourage your child to be ready to unload as soon as the car pulls up to this point, so we can keep the flow of traffic moving. If you intend to walk your child to class, please park in a designated parking spot and walk your child onto campus. No cars may be parked unattended in the circular drive at any time. Please do not allow your child to walk across the parking lot without adult supervision. Cars may wait, load and unload only in the area near the sidewalk. Please do not double park, which blocks emergency vehicle access, or block parked cars from being able to exit. This is a safety concern with the constant traffic flow before and after school. This parking lot is closest to the 1st - 2nd grade classrooms.

Drop off and Pick up in the Southern Circular Driveway on Central Park Drive

If you intend to use this designated loading zone, please enter the driveway at the designated entry point, drive up to the designated student drop off/pick up point, unload students and continue to the exit. Please encourage your child to be ready to unload as soon as the car pulls up to this point, so we can keep the flow of traffic moving. If you intend to walk your child to class, please park in the designated parking spots and walk your child onto campus. No cars should be parked unattended in the circular drive at anytime. Please do not park and allow your child to walk across the parking lot without adult supervision. Cars may wait, load and unload only in the area near the sidewalk.  Please do not double park, which blocks emergency vehicle access, or block parked cars from being able to exit.

Please do not double park, which blocks emergency vehicle access, or block parked cars from being able to exit . This is a safety concern with the constant traffic flow before and after school. This parking lot is closest to the 3rd- 5th grade classrooms, the kindergarten classrooms, and Adventure Club.

Bus Zone

This area is intended for bus loading and unloading.  Please do not leave your car parked and unattended in this area.

Bicycles, Scooters, Skateboards, Roller-blades and Walking to and from School

To insure the safety of students coming to and from school, the school suggests that you set up definite routes for your children to follow.  Please go over the route with them, making sure they cross at intersections and in crosswalks, when available.
 If your child rides a bike to school, please stress that it is a vehicle and therefore subject to all traffic laws, i.e., riding on the right-hand side of the road, stopping at stop signs, etc.
Bicycles are parked at the bicycle racks.  Students are strongly urged to lock their bicycles in the rack.  The area around the bicycle racks is off limits to students during the school day.

Students using any form of transportation to school must ride safely i.e., wear a helmet and follow directional laws if this is not followed, riding privileges will be revoked.  Students must walk their bicycles and may not ride their scooters, skateboards or roller-blades on school grounds

No Dogs on Campus

A reminder that we cannot have dogs on our campus.  This includes the white pavement around the school.  Unfortunately it is a liability issue, so please do not bring your dog on school grounds.

We are looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Mrs. Acke!

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