
Friday, November 18, 2016

November 21-25, 2016 - Thanksgiving Break

November 18, 2016

Dear Thomas Jefferson Families and Friends,

I often take time at this time of year to reflect on the past years challenges, success and it always leads me to a place of humility and gratitude.  I spend many an evening reflecting and writing in my journal celebrating the many things I am thankful for. 

My list of what I am thankful for is endless and includes many things here at Thomas Jefferson. I am have been humbled beyond belief this fall as my first year at T.J, I count this as one of my greatest blessings.

I am thankful for:
  • Children who love learning and life and are willing to share smiles and laughter, hugs, fist bumps, and high fives.
  • Children who persevere when faced with adversity and embrace a challenge with an open heart and open mind.
  • The strong sense of family and unity in our school community.
  • Supportive families, who have partnered with our staff to help all children learn and grow in all areas of their lives.
  • The values and traditions that continue to be a part of this school community.
  • Thomas Jefferson teachers and staff whose love and concern for our students go well beyond what can be measured in a test and reported in a school report card.
  • A community of learners and leaders who are all RISING to success
  • The true joy that comes from being the Principal of Thomas Jefferson Elementary School.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! May you also be able to experience the joys of this season.

Kirsten Acke

Kindergarten Thanksgiving Celebration

A Look Ahead

November 21-25 - Thanksgiving Break
December 8 - PTC Meeting 6:30pm
December 19 - Awards Assembly Grades 3-5 9:00 am
December 19 - Awards Assembly Grades K-2 9:00 am
December 20 - Winter Caroling Night
December 21 - Holiday Read Around
December 22-Jan 16, 2017 - Winter Break

Gate Testing

The 2017-2018 school year GATE identification test will be administered at the District Office for students currently in 2nd-7th grade.  The students will take the Otis-Lennon School Ability Test, OLSAT, that tests abstract thinking and reasoning ability.  Students must attend one of the testing dates on the OLSAT Parent Permission Form in order to complete the testing by the district.  The Parent Permission Forms will be made available on November 14, 2016 on our district website under the “Parent” tab.  All forms must be returned to the District Office by January 6, 2017 if you would like your student tested. There are no exceptions as materials are ordered based on the number of returned forms.  Make sure you check the district website under the “Parents” tab for more information regarding GATE services and testing.

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