
Friday, September 21, 2018

Week of September 24th

Hello TJ Stars!  

What a week at TJ!  We celebrated the life skill of COOPERATION at our first Awards Assembly.  Our Stars have been working hard together in all academic areas and we have finished our first round of iReady and primary reading assessments.  Our staff has collaborated to create collaborative student groups to meet every student academic needs.  We will begin targeted Response to Intervention groups where all students will RISE to success with thoughtful targeted instruction.  

Our PTC Dance-A-Thon is next week.  Please look in your child's Red Folder for further information. The proceeds from this FUN-FILLED fundraiser will support technology in the classroom and school safety needs.  LET'S DANCE STARS!

It's a great day to be a STAR!

- Mrs. Acke

Come and support your students and our school!
Dance-A-Thon Schedule:
TK and Kinder-9:00-9:20
1st Grade-9:30-9:50
2nd and 3rd Grade-10:00-10:20
4th and 5th Grade-11:05-11:35

Don't forget to keep turning in those pledges. If your child's class has 100% participation your class will win a Pizza Party and your teacher will be entered into a drawing to win $200 towards purchases for your classroom. 

Our PTC wants to hear from you!  Please take a survey to inform the PTC how they can better serve you and our RISING Stars!  You can find the survey HERE.

Help support the school by turning in those Box Tops! Every Box Each Box Tops Clip is worth 10 cents for your school. Occasionally, Bonus Box Tops or Bonus eBoxTops of a different value are issued for special promotions. If you come across a Box Top please clip them off the package and save them for our school!

Please make it a priority to get students here on time. The start of the day including morning recess is important to set the tone for the school day.  The gates open at 8:35 am and the instructional bell rings at 8:45 am.  
We are all in this together and we ALL must ensure the safety of our students as they arrive to and leave from school.  PLEASE use the cross walks when coming to school, it is important that we all model the behavior we expect from our students. We have had very close situations where children and adults have almost been hit by a car.

Please drive safe while you are coming and going from the school. We want to keep our Rising Star's safe while they are here. You can help us by stopping at all Stop Signs, following the speed limit and watching for students crossing the street.

9/21 - Spirit Day - Wear Red White and Blue
9/24 - Minimum Day
9/27 - Art Docent Meeting 9:00 am
9/28 - Art Docent Meeting 3:15 pm
10/1 - Minimum Day
10/4 - RCSD Board Meeting
10/8 - Minimum Day
10/11 - Hearing Van on Campus
10/12 - Picture Make-ups Days
10/25 - Harvest Festival

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