
Sunday, February 4, 2018

Thomas Jefferson Family Blog 2/4/2018

Hello TJ Families and Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

February is here!  2nd Trimester if flying by!  In case you didn't already know, Registration for next school year (2018/2019) is already open, so if you haven't done so yet, please make sure to head online and complete it.  Both new and returning students are required to fill out the registration, and the sooner we get your info in, the better! 

HERE is a link to the district registration page!

Some awesome things are happening here at The TJ!  Our TJ Student Leadership Team led by Mrs. Currie, Miss Ertola  and Mrs. Scudder are starting up the Pennies For Patients Leukemia Fundraiser - check out below for more info in the blog.  Our Kinder kiddos had a blast today celebrating 100 days of school and on Tuesday of thos coming week our fifth graders are headed to Alliance Redwoods for a week of learning and leading together!

Thank you all for your continued support of our students and staff here at Thomas Jefferson!

Have a wonderful week ahead everyone and enjoy the balance of work, life, family, and friends!

Kirsten Acke- Principal

A very special THANK YOU goes out to our amazing TJ PTC for hosting the Sweetheart Dance on Saturday.  The Sweetheart Dance Chair, Sami Thompson and her amazing team of volunteers created a wonderland filled with beauty and joy for our Stars!  Moana and Elsa even paid a visit to our little ones!  The evening was filled with wonderful memories for every guest!  It was another amazing TJ PTC event!



February is a busy month for our Student Leadership Team!

We will be selling Valentine grams from Wednesday, February 7th through Tuesday, February 13th from 8:20-8:35 and 3:00-3:15 and on Wednesday, February 14th from 8:20-8:35 for $1.00 each which includes a card and a prize.

Grams will be delivered on Valentine’s Day.  All proceeds will be given to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

We are proud to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society through their Pennies for Patients program.  Your student will be coming home with a box to put coins or dollars in! This program runs from 2/13-3/2.  Please help us support this amazing program. Our goal this year is $3000.


We are looking for Watch Dog volunteers for the remainder of the school year. Please see the calendar below to sign up with your name, email, and child's teacher.  Please make sure you have your volunteer paper work, fingerprints, and TB test turned into the office before your volunteer date. We are looking forward to having you spend the day with us! You can always stop by our office and sign up there too!  We look forward to seeing you on campus!

Please Sign up HERE!

Info About Upcoming State Testing - CAASPP
For students in grades 3-5, the state testing - CAASPP (California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress) will be here before we know it! Students take the test beginning in late April. Below is some early information about the exam - a PDF information letter with similar info will be emailed home to families of students in grades 3-5 on this week and will also be in the Friday Red Folder.

Read Across America Spirit Week - Feb. 26-Mar. 2, 2018

Please join the Thomas Jefferson Family in celebrating Dr. Suess' birthday and the gift of literacy!

Mon. Feb. 26  –  "Fox in Socks Day!" - Crazy Sock Day -Wear your CRAZIEST socks to school!
Tues. Feb. 27 – “Cat in the Hat Day” Crazy Hat Day!  Wear your CRAZIEST hat to school!
Wed. Feb. 28 – “Who-ville” Day – Crazy Hair Day! Come to school with crazy hair!
Thurs. March 1 – “I Not Going to Get Up Today" - Wear your pajamas and bring your stuffed animal day. 
Fri. March 2 –  “One Fish, Two Fish” Day – Red, White and Blue Day/TJ Spirit Day

Our 2nd Annual Literacy Night will be held on Thursday, March 1, 2017 from 6:00-7:30 and please mark your calendar for an opportunity to be a part of READ ACROSS AMERICA DAY and read in your child's classroom!  


Family Literacy Night - Thursday, March 1, 2018 - 6-7:30

Who: Your entire family!
What: Having fun together while embracing family literacy fun! There will be popcorn, cookies and raffle prizes!
When: Thursday, March 1 from 6pm-7:30 p,
Where: Thomas Jefferson Multipurpose Room
Cost: Free to T.J. Families

We Need Your Help - It's FLU SEASON!

Just a reminder, if your little one if feeling ill, with symptoms listed below, it is better to keep them home to rest and not spread the illness to others! We are hoping for a much healthier February than January!


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