
Sunday, December 3, 2017

December 4-8, 2017

Thomas Jefferson Family BLOG....December 4-8, 2017.

     This my favorite time of the year where we celebrate and embrace traditions that are rich and meaningful.  Thomas Jefferson also has traditions that are evident throughout the year and the month of December is not different.  In the few short weeks before break we will be hosting out Winter Caroling Night on December 19, our Student Leadership Team will be conducting their annual Hospitality Bag drive for the local homeless community and our Annual Holiday Read Around on the last day before break.  

     As we embrace these Thomas Jefferson traditions it is important that we also do not loose site that we are a school that is focused on both FUN, social emotional learning and academics!  Our character trait of the month is RESPONSIBILITY and we are currently conducting a booster to encourage and inspire our Stars to demonstrate responsibility for themselves, their community and their school.   Be sure to ask your Star how they can win a hot cocoa on the day before break.


The 2018-2019 school year GATE identification test will be administered at the District Office for students currently in 2nd – 7th grade.  The students will take the Otis-Lennon School Ability Test, OLSAT, that tests abstract thinking and reasoning ability.  Students must attend one of the testing dates on the OLSAT Parent Permission Form in order to complete the testing by the district.  The Parent Permission Forms will be made available on November 13, 2017 on our district website @ under the “Parent” tab.  All forms must be returned to the District Office by January 5, 2018 if you would like your student tested. There are no exceptions as materials are ordered based on the number of returned forms.  Make sure you check the district website under the “Parents” tab for more information regarding GATE services and testing.


If you are interested in being a part of the Thomas Jefferson Team and supporting our Rising Stars during the lunch period please see Mary Jo or Margaret in the office.  WE NEED YOU!


We will be hosting our first ELAC meeting on Monday, December 11, 2017 at 3:30 pm.  Invitations were sent home in last week's Red Folder.  We look forward to learning and leading with you on this committee as we learn and lead together.

Student Leadership Team Corner

Hello TJ Families!
The Student Leadership Team is going to be collecting donations for the homeless community in our area to then make Hospitality Bags. We will be collecting the following items:
  • Adult Socks
  • Toothbrushes
  • Toothpaste (travel size)
  • Shampoo (travel size)
  • Soap (bar or liquid/travel size)
  • Shaving cream (travel size)
  • Lotion (travel size)
  • Washcloths 
Any donations can be brought to the office, Ms. Currie's Room, or Mrs. Scudder's room until Wednesday, December 19th. Last year, our Student Leadership Team was able to stuff over 200 bags! We are so excited to give back to our community as TJ Leaders. Happy Holidays

School Drop-off and Pick-up

Please make sure you are following traffic laws as you drop off and pick up your child at school.  We understand that mornings can be hectic, so please allow for plenty of time to get your child to school on time.  We have had some reports of drivers illegally passing others to get to the drop off sooner and it puts our kids in danger.  Please be aware of drivers, walkers, and bike riders.  We want everyone to be safe.  


Our first ELAC meeting is on December 

Please join the Thomas Jefferson Family at Chuck E Cheese THIS Wednesday, December 6, 2017.  As we dine together as a school community we are also raising money for our school!
There are two easy ways to support Thomas Jefferson without selling anything to friends, family and co-workers: Amazon Smile and Box Tops!  If you already use Amazon to shop, sign up with Amazon Smile at the following AMAZON SMILE LINK , be sure to look up Thomas Jefferson Elementary School PTC.


Dec. 4
Menchie Monday
Dec. 6
What’s For Dinner
Chuck E. Cheese
Dec. 8
Dec. 11
3rd Grade Field Trip
Roseville Arts
Dec. 14
PTC Meeting
Dec. 19
Winter Caroling Night
Dec. 21
Awards Assemblies
3-5 9:00am
TK-2 10:00
Dec. 22
Holiday Read Around
Minimum Day
Dec. 26- Jan. 8
Winter Break
No School

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