
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

End of School Year Letter

Dear Thomas Jefferson Families,

It’s amazing to see that the end of the school year has arrived. I want to thank you all for all the support and patience shown these past 10 months.  It truly has been an AMAZING year!  I have been truly humbled by the power of the TJ community and spirit!  We have truly accomplished so much this year and I am so very proud to be a TJ Star.  I would like to thank our amazing PTO and Committee Chairs who planned wonderful events which enhance our students educational experience.  I would like to acknowledge our teaching staff who have planned and executed best teaching practices and held students to high standards and expectations. Thomas Jefferson's unique character, excellence in teaching, and the tremendous dedication and talent of our staff continues to make it a wonderful and special learning environment. We look forward to growing in our teaching practices and our student support models as we engage in our second year of PBIS.
To our families that will be moving on, we wish you the best of luck and remember that ONCE A TJ STAR, ALWAYS A TJ STAR!  To our families that are returning, we look forward to seeing you in August.

We have been working diligently on class assignments for next year. As many of you know, our process is to have teachers make recommendations on student groupings for the following year. We will be posting class lists on Tuesday, August 15, 2017 at 4:00 pm.


Many you were informed the last day of school that two of our teachers are leaving Thomas Jefferson. Mr. Wilke is moving to Orchard Ranch Elementary and will be a part of the team that is opening RCSD's newest school.  Ms. Rowden is be solely at Stoneridge Elementary as their physical education teacher and Mr. Macomber will become Thomas Jefferson's primary PE specialist . We wish both Ms. Rowden and Mrs. Wilke the best of luck in their future endeavors and know that they will be missed

Mrs. Sage will me moving from fourth  grade to second grade and we are thrilled to welcome Mrs. Boyd to our team as our newest fourth grade teacher.  Miss Ertola will be teaching fourth grade next year and Mrs. Blagg will be teaching a 4/5 grade combination.  Mr. Edson will be looping with his fourth graders and he will be teaching fifth grade.

Next year students may bring their own devices (BYOD) in grades 3-5.  Please see the flyer for further information.

BYOD Flyer

Grades 1-5 will start at 8:45-3:02
Early Kindergarten:  8:45 - 1:45 Monday-Friday
Late Kindergarten:  8:45-1:45 Monday and Friday  and 10:00-3:00 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
Mark You Calendars
Kindergarten Orientation will be on Monday, August 14, 2017 at 6:00pm.
Class Lists Posted: Tuesday, August 15, 2017 at 4:00pm
Our PTC Popsicle Social:  Wednesday, August 16, 2017 at 1:00pm 
Meet the Teacher: Wednesday, August 16, 2017 at 1:30-2:00 pm.

I want to wish you a great summer full of fun and continuous learning.

See you in August!
Principal Acke

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