
Sunday, April 30, 2017

May 1-5, 2017

A Look Ahead

5/4             May the 4th Be With You - Star Wars Day
5/5             2nd Grade Field Trip
5/6             Campus Clean-up Day
5/11           Last PTC Meeting of the Year

Congratulations to Kimber Gordan!
  She is our Teacher Who Makes a Difference Award Winner 2017

CASSPP Testing Grades 3-5 CONTNUES!

Our STARS have been working very hard to on the CAASPP Assessment. The teachers and our staff are very proud of the grit and perseverance that they all have shown. Please take a moment to check in with your child and offer them some words of encouragement.

Please ensure that your children are on time to school and are well rested. Please check with your child's teacher for testing days and times. All electronic devices such as Smart Watches, Fitbits and Cell phones will not be allowed in class during testing times as they are a breech of testing security.

California’s academic standards are designed so students graduate ready for college and a career. One way we measure their progress is through the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) assessments. Students across California in grades 3–8 and high school take these assessments each spring. These tests were created specifically to gauge each student’s performance in English language arts/literacy (ELA), mathematics, and science. These tests measure the skills called for by the academic standards, including the ability to write clearly, think critically, and solve problems.

Because CAASPP tests are given statewide, they provide an opportunity to measure the skills of all students against the same academic standards. Given online, the tests are computer-adaptive, allowing more precise measurement of individual skills.

Return of the TJ Stars!  Please wear your best Star Wars shirts and hats to school on Thursday, May 4th, 2017.   Special guests will join us at lunch and during lunch recess to help us harness the Force.

THANK YOU Mrs. Kisrt and the AMAZING parent volunteers
who made the book fair happen!  Our library thanks you all!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

3:30 pm

If you are a parent of an English of a Second Language Learner please join us for our English Learner Advisory Committee on 5/16/2017 at 3:30 p.m. in our staff room.  We will be reviewing our assessment data, parent survey and seeking your feedback for next steps for next year. We look forward to seeing you there!

Our Second Grade Stars are ready to hatch!

ReCreate Summer Camp 
Did you ever see the video about that kid Caine who built a whole arcade out of cardboard? We believe you can create magic with just some cardboard, doodads and tape. Come to ReCreate summer camp.  Link below has more information this camp and other camps.
ReCreate Summer Camps

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