
Sunday, August 28, 2016

Blog August 29, 2016


Welcome to our Thomas Jefferson Blog!

It is a pleasure for me to introduce Thomas Jefferson Elementary and welcome to you the Roseville City School District.  Our school was built in 2004 and we proudly carry on the high expectations of excellence established in 2004. The school was recognized as a California Distinguished School in 2008.  

Thomas Jefferson’s staff is honored to serve our neighborhood community by providing a quality transitional kindergarten through fifth grade program that is grounded in quality first instruction. Since the school’s opening our staff has strived to be innovative and trendsetters with our teaching. The Thomas Jefferson curriculum is based on the rigorous Common Core State Standards. 

Our school is committed to the individual needs of our students.  We are dedicated to improving student performance, teacher instruction, and the enhancement of knowledge and skills required for working, living, and learning in our ever-changing society.  Our students participate in a range of programs including:  art, music, physical education, media, social-emotional learning, and technology.  Each day our students are taught to model character, integrity, and maturity through our PBIS programs as they strive to grow into productive citizens.

Thomas Jefferson is a special school with partnerships fostered with parents and the community. It is the norm to see parents volunteering in our classrooms, on campus, and actively participating in their child’s education.  We are fortunate to have an amazing PTC, who strive to make Thomas Jefferson and amazing place to be!  Please take time to visit their link on the Thomas Jefferson page to learn more about our PTC and to hear of the fantastic events that the PTC has organized. 

I encourage you to check our blog regularly and become a fan of Thomas Jefferson Facebook page at RCSD Jefferson. We are committed to communicating through a variety of mediums and expanding on the strong foundation Thomas Jefferson was built on.

We’re looking forward to a great year working with you and your child at Thomas Jefferson Elementary.

Back to School Night Success!

Thank you so much for making Back to School Night such a success!  What a night, it was amazing to see families and educators coming together for the betterment of our students.  IF your were not able to attend Back to School Night please contact your child's teacher.

Meal Duty Supervisor

Thomas Jefferson are looking for a meal duty supervisor.  The job of Meal Duty Supervisor is done for the purpose of providing for the safety of students during lunch time. The role of a  Meal Duty Supervisor is a wonderful  way to get started as an employee at Thojmas Jefferson (TJ) and the Roseville City School District.  It is also and amazing opportunity to engage with the TJ community and interact with students everyday. If you are interested in this opportunity please see Mary Jo Kruezer, our amazing new Administrative Secretary.

School Site Council

The California Legislature believes that the individuals who are most affected by the operation of the school should have a major role in the decisions regarding how a school functions. This is our School Site Council (SSC). SSC meets once a month to analyze data, allocate funds, and make decision for the betterment of the school site

School Site Council ballots were sent home in the Red Folder on Friday.  Please take a moment to vote for a parent and return your ballots by Wednesday, August 31, 2016.

Please join us for our first PTC meeting on September 8, 2016 at 6:30 pm in the Staff room.   We are all eager to engage in meaningful work, together...were all kids are the focus of our work!  We look forward to seeing you there!

Arrival and Dismissal

The bell rings to begin our day promptly at 8:43AM.  Students should arrive no earlier than 8:25 AM and no later than 8:40 AM. Please do not bring children before 8:25, as there is no adult supervision available before this time.  Dismissal will start at 1:44 PM for Kindergarten and 1:47 for grades 1-5 on Monday and 3:00 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Please designate a consistent pick up area for your child(ren). This assists in the flow of traffic and helps us to best monitor students during pick up times. The three places that students can wait to be picked up are: in front of the Multi-Purpose room, near the flag-pole and on the sidewalk near the kindergarten classrooms. If your child has not been picked up by the end of the teacher supervision time (3:10), they will be escorted to the office and you will need to come into the office to sign them out.

Drop off and Pick up in the Northern Circular Driveway on Central Park Drive
If you intend to use this designated loading zone, please enter the drive-way at the designated entry point, drive up to the designated student drop off/pick up point, unload students and continue to the exit. Please encourage your child to be ready to unload as soon as the car pulls up to this point, so we can keep the flow of traffic moving. If you intend to walk your child to class, please park in a designated parking spot and walk your child onto campus. No cars may be parked unattended in the circular drive at any time. Please do not allow your child to walk across the parking lot without adult supervision. Cars may wait, load and unload only in the area near the sidewalk. Please do not double park, which blocks emergency vehicle access, or block parked cars from being able to exit. This is a safety concern with the constant traffic flow before and after school. This parking lot is closest to the 1st - 2nd grade classrooms.

Drop off and Pick up in the Southern Circular Driveway on Central Park Drive

If you intend to use this designated loading zone, please enter the driveway at the designated entry point, drive up to the designated student drop off/pick up point, unload students and continue to the exit. Please encourage your child to be ready to unload as soon as the car pulls up to this point, so we can keep the flow of traffic moving. If you intend to walk your child to class, please park in the designated parking spots and walk your child onto campus. No cars should be parked unattended in the circular drive at anytime. Please do not park and allow your child to walk across the parking lot without adult supervision. Cars may wait, load and unload only in the area near the sidewalk.  Please do not double park, which blocks emergency vehicle access, or block parked cars from being able to exit.

Please do not double park, which blocks emergency vehicle access, or block parked cars from being able to exit . This is a safety concern with the constant traffic flow before and after school. This parking lot is closest to the 3rd- 5th grade classrooms, the kindergarten classrooms, and Adventure Club.

Bus Zone

This area is intended for bus loading and unloading.  Please do not leave your car parked and unattended in this area.

Bicycles, Scooters, Skateboards, Roller-blades and Walking to and from School

To insure the safety of students coming to and from school, the school suggests that you set up definite routes for your children to follow.  Please go over the route with them, making sure they cross at intersections and in crosswalks, when available.
 If your child rides a bike to school, please stress that it is a vehicle and therefore subject to all traffic laws, i.e., riding on the right-hand side of the road, stopping at stop signs, etc.
Bicycles are parked at the bicycle racks.  Students are strongly urged to lock their bicycles in the rack.  The area around the bicycle racks is off limits to students during the school day.

Students using any form of transportation to school must ride safely i.e., wear a helmet and follow directional laws if this is not followed, riding privileges will be revoked.  Students must walk their bicycles and may not ride their scooters, skateboards or roller-blades on school grounds
No Dogs on Campus

A reminder that we cannot have dogs on our campus.  This includes the white pavement around the school.  Unfortunately it is a liability issue, so please do not bring your dog on school grounds.

Nurse Notes

Medication can be carried or given at school only if the parent or guardian provides written permission and direction from the physician. This includes both prescription and over the counter medications, such as Tylenol or cough medicine/drops. 


 To ensure your child’s safety, our office staff needs to know if your chile will be absent every morning. Please remember to report an absence the day of the absence by 9:30 am. You can send an email to or call our hotline at 771-1840 to leave a voicemail. Absences not verified after 3 days will be considered unexcused

Paying for Hot Lunch

In order to streamline purchasing a hot lunch please prepay for your student’s lunch by dropping cash or a check off at the office or remind your student to stop by the office to drop off lunch payment. Credit card purchases can be made online at  Please use your student's ID number to load the account and to monitor your child's balance.

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