
Sunday, November 17, 2019

Nov. 15, 2019

"Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the following of that impulse." - Henry Van Dyke
Hello TJ Stars!
As we embark on the holiday season I am reminded about the importance of gratitude, thankfulness, and thanksgiving. I am humbled by the grace of our Stars as they learn and lead together.  It is truly a privilege to witness our students to show kindness and gratitude to one another.  This is the final week of our PBIS KINDNESS booster and students and staff have been focusing on being KIND to one another.  When a staff member sees an act of random KINDNESS our Stars are given a Kindness Turkey ticket. These tickets are turned in to their teacher and collected together with the class.  When the class earns ten tickets they then earn a feather to add to their class turkey.  When a class collects ten feathers they are invited to a school-wide recess celebration on the last day before Thanksgiving break! Please encourage your student to make a difference in the life of another person by sharing an act of kindness to another TJ Star!
It is another great week to be at TJ Star!
Kirsten Acke

Image result for mad science sacramento

Come join us at Family Science Night!  It will be great FUN!
There are still available spots for our Family Science Night for THIS THURSDAY, November 21st, 5:30 PM-7:30 PM. Reservation Forms were placed in your Friday Folder and there are forms in the office if you would like to reserve a spot for your family. You can also print the flyer from the link below:


The 2020-2021 school year GATE identification test will be administered at the District Office for students currently in 2nd – 7th grade.  The students will take the Otis-Lennon School Ability Test, OLSAT, that tests abstract thinking and reasoning ability.  Students must attend one of the testing dates on the OLSAT Parent Permission Form in order to complete the testing by the district.  The Parent Permission Forms are on our district website @ Click on the Main Menu and then under Programs – Gifted and Talented Education.  All forms must be returned to the District Office by December 20, 2019, if you would like your student tested. There are no exceptions as materials are ordered based on the number of returned forms. Make sure you check the RCSD website for more information regarding GATE services and testing.

Our TJ Stars will not be in session for Fall Break the week of November 25th-29th, 2019.  Please enjoy this time with your family.

Don't Forget! WHAT'S FOR DINNER NIGHT at Firehouse Subs Tuesday December 3rd,  Roseville Location, from 2pm-8pm

Please attend the Thomas Jefferson PTC Fundraising Night at Firehouse Subs, 933 Pleasant Grove Blvd, Roseville. A portion of the proceeds (33% of the sale) will be donated to the Thomas Jefferson PTC. We would love to see you all there! Enjoy amazing subs and support our PTC. Please mention "Thomas Jefferson PTC", so that sales get applied to our fundraiser. No flyer is needed.

Thank you for your support
Thomas Jefferson PTC

What's For Dinner?
Please  SAVE THE DATE for...
The Thomas Jefferson PTC's 2nd Annual Pancakes with Santa!
December 14, 2019
8:30-11:30 am
*Pancake Breakfast!
*Photo With Santa!
*Ornament Station!
*Arts and Crafts!


A TJ Tradition

December 19, 2019
6:00 pm

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