
Friday, August 28, 2020

August 31-September 4. 2020


Hello TJ Stars!  

What a week at TJ! Our Stars have been working hard together in all academic areas and we are working on our grades 3-5 iReady Assessments and our primary reading assessments.  Our staff is working to create collaborative student groups to meet every students academic needs.  

September's character trait of the month is Cooperation. It has been great to see our Stars rising to success and cooperating with one another in their Zoom meetings and in break out rooms.  It is important that we all R.I.S.E. in our classrooms:

Be Respectful

Show Integrity

Be Safe

Be Engaged. 

We're all in this together! Have a great weekend!

-Mrs. Acke

Video Message from Mrs. Acke and Tommy


The School Site Council is a governing body that is comprised of parents, staff and community members.  This team provides feedback and advises the School Site Plan.  We need two parent volunteers to join our team.  
Please stop by the office or email Mrs. Acke :

Stars can check-out library books and they will be deployed during Material Distribution on September 3rd and 4th.  Please complete the form below and Mrs. Kirst will select some books for your student.  The requests are due by 9 AM Tuesday, September 1, 2020.

Library Book Request Form 

Save the Date: Back to School and Freshman Parent Night on Thursday 9/7 –  MHS PTSO

Materials Deployment will be on Thurs. Sept. 3rd from 7:30 am-6:00 pm and Friday Sept. 4th from 7:30 am-4:00 pm. You may also pick up your child's Art to Remember projects. TK families do not need to come to this materials pick up. 

If your child is in need of a mouse you may pick one up in the school office. 

 Annual Notice

Thank you to all the parents that have turned in their signed Annual Family Notice. You can email the signed notice to Kristy Fritz at, fax to to 916-772-7195, or bring in the signed form to our office. You will also get a hard copy of the signature page in your child's envelope on Material Deployment days. 

2020-2021 Annual Family Notice

Labor Day Labour Day clipart - Text, Font, Product, transparent clip art

Enjoy your day off on Monday, September 7th in honor of Labor Day. 

Virtual Calming Room

Come check out the RCSD Virtual Calming Room. You will find activities for elementary and middle school students, as well as for adults that aid in positively managing stress. We hope you find it beneficial! Click here to access the Virtual Calming Room

If families would like to connect with one of the school-based mental health professionals in the district or need additional support during distance learning, they can fill out this non-emergency form.

Request for Support Spanish

The Behavior Buzz

Please check our out Monthly Newsletter written by our RCSD Behavior Specialists.

Parent Resources / Parent Resources

The District is committed to supporting our families through the challenges of the 2020-21 school year and that begins with our Parent Education Nights.

These virtual webinars are designed to better equip you to support your child's learning by covering topics such as Zoom, Otus, iReady, and social-emotional wellness.

Join us as we discuss the fundamentals of Zoom and Otus on Monday, August 31 from 6:30 - 7:30 PM. Join at the link below:


Chromebook Help

If you need technical assistance with your account, we encourage you to use the Otus help site, use the chat feature that is available in the bottom right-hand corner of their site, call your school site, or use the RCSD Technology support form.

Friday, August 21, 2020

August 24-28, 2020



Hello TJ Stars!  Thank you so much for another OUTSTANDING week of Distance Learning.  I know it has been bumpy with internet issues, the smoke, and hardware issues but we continue to R.I.S.E. together!  THANK YOU! 

Every month we acknowledge a character trait as to enhance our school culture the character trait for the months of August/September is COOPERATION. This month we will highlight cooperation in class and I will share resources with you to use at home.  It will be a great month!

We have finished up week two and things are running more smoothly and we have plans in place should things go down, we have placed Zoom links in multiple places.

Please continue to communicate with your child's teacher should there be an issue, we understand with the current state of the natural disasters and the heat waves that there may be power outages.  Our teachers are working on plans and will let you and your children know what to do if they cannot connect.  Just know that we are all in this together and it will be OK.

Together we RISE!
Kirsten Acke

Our next Instructional Material Deployment will be on Thursday, Sept. 3rd, 2020, and Friday, Sept. 4th, 2020.

Virtual Calming Room

Come check out the RCSD Virtual Calming Room. You will find activities for elementary and middle school students, as well as for adults that aid in positively managing stress. We hope you find it beneficial! Click here to access the Virtual Calming Room

If families would like to connect with one of the school-based mental health professionals in the district or need additional support during distance learning, they can fill out this non-emergency form.

Request for Support Spanish

Annual Family Notice 
Every year the annual family notice for the district is posted for parent to review and then we ask that you sign a form stating you have reviewed it.  This form goes home in the first week packets.  Since we are not on campus right now, the document is posted below.  You can choose to print the last page, sign it and drop it off at the next materials pick up day (September 3rd and 4th) or we will have hard copies of the signature page at the materials pick up day where you can sign and leave with us. 

2020-2021 Annual Family Notice

Labor Day (Fall 2020)

School is not in session on Monday, September 7, in honor of Labor Day.

Enrichment Flyers

If you are interested in enrichment activities please see the flyer links below: 


Young Rembrandts

Friday, August 14, 2020

August 17-August 21, 2020



Thank you SO much for your flexibility this week. If you need anything please call the office, we are here to help! It was a successful first week of school and we hope that you all have a wonderful well deserved weekend!

Virtual Calming Room

Come check out the RCSD Virtual Calming Room. You will find activities for elementary and middle school students, as well as for adults that aid in positively managing stress. We hope you find it beneficial! Click here to access the Virtual Calming Room

If families would like to connect with one of the school-based mental health professionals in the district or need additional support during distance learning, they can fill out this non-emergency form.

Tech Support

A HUGE shout out to our RCSD Tech Team! They have been working hard to support teachers and families.  We definitely appreciate them! They have decided to combine the Parent Technology Support and Lost, Stolen, and Damage form into one to simplify things. Just be sure to choose the appropriate need under the question, "What may we assist you with today?"

Please complete the Parent Technology Support form using the below links. 

Free and Reduced Lunch
Students eligible for free or reduced price meals last year will receive breakfast and lunch at no cost for a limited time.  Get your application in early before the grace period ends!  A new application for free meals is required each year.  Please apply online at:

Home Feed in Otus 

Please look for your Zoom Links on the class boards. Just a reminder that the Home Feed in Otus can get quite overwhelming as it shows notifications when a teacher adds something.  Continue to use the left navigation bar to get to the areas your child needs.

The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education. District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a percept

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Welcome Back Thomas Jefferson Stars

Principal Message

If you have not checked out your child's Back to School Night video please it is a great place to find important information about this upcoming semester. The video below shows you how to log-into Otus and where to find the presentation.

BTSN Video and login information

Please refer to our RCSD Parent Resource Page for information about how to log in and much more.  Student emails and passwords were sent to parents email last week, please check your email if you do not know your child's student email and password.  Here are a couple videos that might be helpful:

Student Log-in 2020

This last video is another video on how to log into Otus and Zoom.  

Otus and Zoom Log-in.

While was a very untraditional start to school! It is a very exciting day!  It was wonderful to see your children in their zoom calls with their teachers and classmates!  Thank you for your patience this morning and tomorrow is a new day!  

Please have your child log their Otus classroom at 8:45 and your child's teacher and classmates will be there waiting.  We cannot wait to see you!


Tommy the TJ Star WELCOMES
 you back to school!


All students will need instructional materials to support LIVE online instruction during Distance Learning.  Please stop by the Thomas Jefferson Multipurpose Room on either of these days:

Tuesday, August 11, 2020 - 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - 10:00 am - 6:00 pm

If you are not able to attend either of these scheduled times for Chromebook or Instructional Material Deployment please contact the school office at 916-771-1840.