Hello TJ Stars!
What a week at TJ! Our Stars have been working hard together in all academic areas and we are working on our grades 3-5 iReady Assessments and our primary reading assessments. Our staff is working to create collaborative student groups to meet every students academic needs.
September's character trait of the month is Cooperation. It has been great to see our Stars rising to success and cooperating with one another in their Zoom meetings and in break out rooms. It is important that we all R.I.S.E. in our classrooms:
Be Respectful
Show Integrity
Be Safe
Be Engaged.
We're all in this together! Have a great weekend!
-Mrs. Acke
Stars can check-out library books and they will be deployed during Material Distribution on September 3rd and 4th. Please complete the form below and Mrs. Kirst will select some books for your student. The requests are due by 9 AM Tuesday, September 1, 2020.
Materials Deployment will be on Thurs. Sept. 3rd from 7:30 am-6:00 pm and Friday Sept. 4th from 7:30 am-4:00 pm. You may also pick up your child's Art to Remember projects. TK families do not need to come to this materials pick up.
If your child is in need of a mouse you may pick one up in the school office.
Annual Notice
Thank you to all the parents that have turned in their signed Annual Family Notice. You can email the signed notice to Kristy Fritz at kfritz@rcsdk8.org, fax to to 916-772-7195, or bring in the signed form to our office. You will also get a hard copy of the signature page in your child's envelope on Material Deployment days.
2020-2021 Annual Family Notice
Enjoy your day off on Monday, September 7th in honor of Labor Day.
Virtual Calming Room
Come check out the RCSD Virtual Calming Room. You will find activities for elementary and middle school students, as well as for adults that aid in positively managing stress. We hope you find it beneficial! Click here to access the Virtual Calming Room
The Behavior Buzz
The District is committed to supporting our families through the challenges of the 2020-21 school year and that begins with our Parent Education Nights.
These virtual webinars are designed to better equip you to support your child's learning by covering topics such as Zoom, Otus, iReady, and social-emotional wellness.
Join us as we discuss the fundamentals of Zoom and Otus on Monday, August 31 from 6:30 - 7:30 PM. Join at the link below:
Chromebook Help
If you need technical assistance with your account, we encourage you to use the Otus help site, use the chat feature that is available in the bottom right-hand corner of their site, call your school site, or use the RCSD Technology support form.